my child,
My child,
Just stop. Stop right now and hear what I am trying to say to you.
It is of the upmost importance that you hear these things and understand the truth.
The truth of who you are and the truth of who I am.

Life is spinning faster and faster everyday. You aren’t sure if you can handle it. Your mind is constantly turning to worry, fear, and trepidation. You have filled your life with too much, and have lost sight of what matters most. You have lost your ability to slow down, quiet yourself, and hear My voice.
So stop. Take a breath. Close your eyes. And let these words wash over you. Let them drown out the voices of fear and worry. Let them cleanse you of the need to be perfect. Let them instill you with quiet confidence, joy, and peace. Let them be your anthem. The truth you live by.
You need to quit trying to speed things up or slow things down. You need to quit trying to predict what is going to happen.
You need to quit playing god.
I promise to always show you the next step. Not ten steps ahead, but one.
And your call is to faithfully follow that next step. To let Me be the leader, and you be the follower.
Simply rest in My presence and follow My footsteps.
Let Me be the One who provides and who plans, for I am the Author of your life and the Creator of the world. I know what is best.
For the story I have written for you is one of heartbreak and trials, but one that also is full of triumphs and joy. One that is perfectly written with you specifically in mind. I knew you even before you were in your mother’s womb, and My love for you cannot be contained.
Notice the picture that I paint for you everyday. The mountains that extend far beyond what you can see. The sky full of stars that creates a sense of wonder within you. The leaves on the trees. The shape of the clouds. The hue of the sky. Every detail I made with you in mind.
When you look at my creation, remember who I am. Remember how big I am and how mighty I am.
It is not on you to figure things out. It is not your job to fix things. It’s all on Me.
As a follower of Mine, you will experience trials and tribulations, but I will never give you more than you can handle. For My strength is made perfect in your weakness.
I will push you to the point where you have to solely rely on Me, but never to where you break. That is a promise.
Quit trying to be what the world wants you to be, and instead be what they need you to be- a person who exemplifies Me and is filled with love and grace.
Quit trying to expect yourself to be perfect and meet the standards of this world. Be whom I have called you to be- a child of God. A disciple. Someone who spreads My love and furthers My kingdom. That is your purpose.
Remember that I call you Mine and I call you My child. In Me you find strength and in Me you find healing.
I am the One you can run to.
I am the One you find freedom in.
You are called to live a life of peace.
You are called to live a life of joy.
My spirit living within you offers that. It offers you a life of freedom. A life of carefree living with the sole purpose of loving Me and loving My people.
So let go of the rest of it.
You are holy.
You are dearly loved.
You are chosen.
I chose YOU. I adopted YOU into My family because I love YOU.
Let My reassurance of who I am and who you are be enough.
Simply let Me be the father and you be My child.
With all my love,
Your Father